Core Components Supporting a FAIR EOSC
The FAIRCORE4EOSC project aims to improve the discoverability and interoperability of an increased amount of research outputs in a FAIR manner.

The project focuses on the development and realisation of core components for the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). Supporting a FAIR EOSC and addressing gaps identified in the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA). Leveraging existing technologies and services, the project will develop nine new EOSC-Core components aimed to improve the discoverability and interoperability of an increased amount of research outputs.
Our Involvement
The main role of DARE Lab in this project is to develop Intelligent Community-Oriented Discovery Tools for the Research Discovery Graph Service. Our team focuses on two main services:
The NL Search service allows users to query the RDGraph using Natural Language, and obtain they data the require without the need for any technical know-how.
The Community Recommendation Profiles service will provide fair recommendations of entities from the RD Graph, to the users of the use case communities of the project.